Dr. Bewley has brought a unique personalized health care approach to Chiropractic Care in Tulsa, OK. Dr Bewley provides chiropractic manipulative therapy along with massage therapy with every visit. His patient focus of "a machine does not know where you hurt but a person does" allows every patient to have the type of care that only to athletes enjoy.
Dr. Bewley has assisted in over 50 car crash tests and the research that pertains to the force of the impact to the human body in your accident. He also has a certification in accident reconstruction along with hundreds of hours of education for the treatment of accident injuries.
Dr Bewley also graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Missouri. Being a Union High School Graduate and Oklahoma Sooner, Dr. Bewley came back to his roots to practice. Dr. Bewley treats injuries associated with sports, car wrecks and other aliments. He has produced treatment plans that have helped over 25,000 Oklahomans.
5802 S Memorial Dr.
Tulsa, OK 74145
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