You May Qualify for SETC / FFCRA Tax Credits
FFCRA - Families First Coronavirus Response Act
This is NOT a loan; and you
do NOT have to pay it back!
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What is FFCRA?
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) provides small and midsize employers refundable tax credits that reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing paid sick and family leave wages to their employees for leave related to COVID-19 1. The IRS has released a new form, Form 7202, that is available for eligible self-employed individuals to claim sick and family leave tax credits under the American Rescue Plan which is called FFCRA.
Eligible self-employed individuals will determine their qualified sick and family leave equivalent tax credits with the new IRS Form 7202, Credits for Sick Leave and Family Leave for Certain Self-Employed Individuals.
How to Claim SETC Tax Credit:
To claim the Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC), you will need to submit amended 2020/2021 tax returns to the IRS. The refundable credits are claimed on a self-employed individual’s Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Let the experts at Jorns and Associates help you file your SETC Claim Today!
Who we are:
We are a team of experienced tax professionals, with over 500 CPA’s, tax attorneys, and IRS agents that examines your claim and files he necessary paperwork directly to the IRS at no up-front cost. Our modest fee is paid at the end. With our proprietary software we have assisted thousands of businesses and individuals in obtaining billions of dollars of ERC Tax Credits and now you are entitled to receive SETC Tax Credits.
Let the experts at Jorns & Associates help you submit your SETC tax credit filing to the IRS to account for your circumstances during Covid-19 accurately, confidentially and securely.
To speak to a member from our team please fill out the form Call: 877-749-3195
1. Set-up a FREE Account
Setting up a FREE Account takes 45 secs to Pre-Qualify. It's easier than you think. You’ll be contacted by one of our tax professionals on how to sign in to and to upload your documents.
Qualify for SETC Tax Credits
2. Upload your documents
Upload a questionnaire and 2019, 2020 and 2021 pdf tax returns to the portal. From that point you will have access to view the process every step of the way.
Qualify for SETC Tax Credits
3. Receive your refund
Then based on your eligibility, the number of days you were impacted, and how many loved ones you cared for during Covid, you could receive a tax refund of up to $32,220.
Set up a FREE Account
5802 S Memorial Dr.
Tulsa, OK 74145
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To see if you qualify for SETC Tax Credits from FFCRA Visit: FFCRA
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